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Dear Friend,

During such a period of disagreement, one thing our nation seems to agree on is that violent hate crimes are on the rise. Last month, Life After Hate conducted a national survey finding that two-thirds of us believe that violent extremism has risen over the last decade, a fact all too real to Life After Hate, its clients, and its supporters.

We know that violent far-right extremism (VFRE) is a clear and present danger to our nation. As an ally of LAH, you also recognize that individuals can disengage from violent extremist groups and online hate spaces. You know that individuals can change. Unfortunately, almost half of those surveyed believe that those guilty of committing violent hate crimes cannot learn not to hate. 

Yes, VFRE is a major problem in the United States, and it’s growing. The work of Life After Hate over the past 12 years makes clear that there are real solutions to violent extremism. When it comes to violent white supremacy, change is possible. And necessary. As the leader in the violence intervention community, our efforts are needed now more than ever.

We see this in the increasing demand for Life After Hate and we have been expanding our services to meet that demand. We make it possible for individuals to disengage from lives of violent hate, helping to build a safer community for all. We have begun offering support to a growing number of family and loved ones caught in lives of extremism. And we are constantly exploring new ways to educate and engage with those in need, demonstrating our belief in compassion with accountability.

All of this is possible because of you and your support. If you can make a gift to Life After Hate as part of Giving Tuesday on November 28, please do. If you can make an end-of-year gift as part of your ongoing charitable giving, we would be greatly appreciative. And if you can share information on Life After Hate, its work, and its impact, it can help us achieve our goals.

Life After Hate has significant plans for improvement and growth in 2024. To build a safer society and help prevent hate-fueled violence, LAH must continue to provide the licensed social services, mentor interventions, and public education our nation needs. That is only possible because of you and your support. 
– Pat Riccards, Life After Hate executive director